Sunday, September 4, 2016

My first God-tier planet - Orcus Supermundii Primus

I was closing in in the last planet of my 2nd Blue Star System. It had been 3 million units away from my 4th planet, and even though I got attacked by a fleet of 12 pirates along the way, I wanted to visit it - I NEVER miss a planet that's in a galaxy I intended visiting that isn't a Atlas Interference system. As I got closer I noticed something strange - the blue hue which had been visible from afar was not land - it was water, and the crimson dots were the land!

After I entered the planet's atmosphere, I noticed the grain replacing big parts of the sea - and the planet was beautiful. Plagued by torrenting rain, it had no obsession from sentinels - after all, the guard value, seldom beauty. I landed in a shelter, but immediately ignored it and went to see the planet for myself. Trees everywhere, floating chunks of copper, and lakes - the planet had everything a human being would want. Animals resembled hippopotamuses, the day temperature was a chilly 5°C, almost 90°C more than the icy nights - but despite all this, it was the best planet I saw in the game yet. It was colorful enough, aside from being alive, that I even put it in the god tier - meaning that instead of the color, it received the "Supermundii" categorization.

And so, I took loads of pictures, however, I will only post the best as the thumbnail, and the others, as well as the thumbnail, can be found in 1080p (since Blogger doesn't go above 900p) by clicking on the "1920x1080" link below the picture.

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