Monday, September 19, 2016

The strawberry milk sky of the azure Venus Caerulea Prima

Immediately after the last planet, Vulcan Brunus Secundus, I'd landed on this planet. From afar I could see that it's a blue planet, which astonished me because I haven't see anything blue other than water for a long, long time. Upon landing, it was a fairly grassy planet - not so many plants as grass, but still, pretty lively. Of course, there's rain and the temperature is around -25°C, but the best feature for a planet that motivates me to go further is the low Fauna count - 6 creatures which I'd all find in 10 minutes. Perhaps the most peculiar thing about the planet was that all the creatures were the hopping around time, whether they be plant heads, sticks, or horseshoe crab-like bugs. 1 out of 6 were birds, which were pretty ordinary. Lastly, the planet was filled with mushroom-like cliffs - although the planet had little to do with mushrooms.

And so, I took loads of pictures - blue is my favourite colour.

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